- Family is the most important aspect of my life. My parents, siblings, wife, children and extended family are so valuable to me. I could not be happy or successful without their love and influence. I feel a responsibility to have my family as my first priority. This affects most of my decisions and guides my life in a positive direction.
- A successful family life is based on service to others. Selfishness destroys families. Sacrifice, commitment and loving service can build a strong, successful and happy family.
Love and Service:
- I feel strongly that finding a way to love those around us can solve many of the problems we face in the world. It's easier to see our differences and become too critical of others actions. It's more difficult to try to understand people and develop a feeling of love for them.
- Those that are most difficult to love are usually the one's who need our love the most.
- When we respect and love others, we want to help them be successful and happy. We want to serve them. We should go out of our way to find ways to serve others. We can find a group or issue that we feel strongly about and focus our service in that area.
- If everyone found a way to serve someone else every day, love would grow tremendously.
- Spirituality is a sensitive subject for most people and deserves to be addressed delicately. And because it is so important, I feel obligated and happy to share some of my thoughts and feelings about it.
- All of us are here on earth because there is a God who is the Father of our spirits. Our souls will live again after death because of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God connects to us through his Spirit and guides our lives. The more we seek His help, the more we can feel and use His guidance.
- The decisions we make in our lives affect our happiness. There are certain eternal and spiritual laws that all people should obey and live by.
- I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe that God and Jesus Christ established this church to give us the Gospel and help us live better lives.
- Please visit the following websites to learn more about what I believe: or